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A few years ago, Eastern Grounds, under Bill's supervision, serviced my lawn. I was very pleased with the results, and received many compliments from passersby. Naturally, when I needed to replace shrubbery and other plants that had been ruined by deer and other animals, I thought of Eastern Grounds. Bill showed me pictures of several different shrubbery from which I could choose. He estimated the time involved and provided a detailed step-by-step account of the work. Again, I am extremely pleased with his professionalism, knowledge, and service.

Anna H.

Professional, accurate, on time, reliable, straightforward. Crews and estimator were in polished uniforms. Trucks were clean and marked. Estimator and company rep were overqualified for our project and fair and reasonable price. I would highly recommend them. Crew is awesome. Try them and I would expect that you will have the same experience as I did.

Peter B.

I am writing this review because I was very impressed by the work this company did in my yard.I had a very large bush that needed to be cut , along with some other work that needed to be done.I talked to the owner and we had negotiated a good price for the work.They came on the scheduled date and got the work done really fast.They were very professional all the way and was so impressed with the job they did that i just had to write a good review. I will definitely use again.

Brit D.

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia