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Landscape Maintenance Services in Maryland and Virginia

At Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC, we offer a wide variety of landscape maintenance services to help home and business owners maintain stunning outdoor areas. Our highly skilled team of professionals will ensure your landscape maintenance plan is tailored to your unique needs. We’ll sit down with you and come up with a regular maintenance schedule that is designed to enhance both the appearance and value of your exterior space. Whether you are a home or business owner, we can provide quality service at an affordable price. Our landscape maintenance services include pruning, trimming, shrub and tree replacement, mowing, and aerating.

Landscape Maintenance Services in Bowie, MB

Landscape Design Services

The landscape specialists at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC will help you create your outdoor dream space for your home or business. We offer numerous landscape design services that will help you make the perfect outdoor look for your home or business. Our highly-trained team of creative designers will sit down with you and develop a plan that will turn your natural space into a picturesque dream. Whatever your vision is for your outdoor space, you can trust the experts at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC to help you bring it to life. Our landscape design professionals consider many things when creating a plan, including:

  • Drainage issues
  • Slopes
  • Colors
  • Textures

Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC

As Maryland and Virginia’s trusted landscapers, we can expertly manage all your landscaping needs, from maintenance to design and everything in between. Don’t stress about maintaining the aesthetic appearance of your outdoor space – we’ll do that for you! We are a family-owned and -operated business that puts its customers first. With over 25 years of industry experience, you can rest assured your landscape is incapable and qualified hands when you hire Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC. Not only are we highly experienced and professional, but we are also affordable and able to accommodate any landscape needs, big or small. Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC today for premier landscape services.

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia